Hardware & Software & You

Mac and Windows computers

Mac and Windows computers

Mac and Windows computers


Desktop or laptop, Mac or PC, we're happy to help. Whether it's providing purchasing advice, setting up a new computer, or getting the most out of the machine you already have, we're ready to go.

Mobile Devices

Mac and Windows computers

Mac and Windows computers


Mobile devices cover a range of handheld devices including cell phones and tablet computers. AccuTutor supports the devices we once didn't know we needed but now can't seem to live without.


Mac and Windows computers

Office Software


Peripherals are the "extra" stuff that helps us with our work. Printers,  scanners, external storage, and cameras are among the many devices for which we provide instruction and support.

Office Software

Online Privacy and Security

Office Software


Office software is the backbone of computing for many users. We work with spreadsheets, word processing documents, presentations and more in different programs including Microsoft Office, Google Drive, Apple's iWork suite, and even Open Office and Libre Office.


Online Privacy and Security

Online Privacy and Security


There are literally millions of apps available on the Apple and Android app stores. We can help you not only with the most popular ones, but with many more across different categories because we understand how typical apps work.

Online Privacy and Security

Online Privacy and Security

Online Privacy and Security


The announcement of each new massive data breach reinforces the need to secure data with antivirus software and backup procedures. At AccuTutor, we not only help with security but also provide training in how to recognize suspicious e-mails and internet browsing threats.